Deepfakes, Disinformation, and Disruption

No matter the diversity of modern online content, there exists a common, uniting quality.


As digital content grows progressively more central in our daily lives, so too does its disruptive potential. And no matter whether the disruption proves helpful or harmful, the impacts that digital content may have upon the online reputations of organizations or individuals is becoming exceedingly difficult to mitigate, let alone monitor or anticipate.

And if physics 101 taught us anything, we can only expect things to get more chaotic in the future – unless we intervene.

Case in point being the rapid proliferation of so-called “deepfakes,” disinformation, and other forms of inaccurate, damaging, and difficult to detect and combat digital content. Though the act of producing and promoting falsehoods like these is nothing new, the unprecedented rate at which it’s executed is cause for alarm.

Many may associate this phenomenon with the resurgent, headline-capturing malevolence of Russia, which has used these tools of digital deception to target the democratic institutions and processes of other nations. But Russia isn’t the only show in town.

Nowadays virtually any organization or individual, big or small, is vulnerable to the online reputation damage from the production and promotion of these falsehoods. It only takes one malicious entity with a computer and an Internet connection to resolve to wreak havoc. Should this occur, rest assured that a victim’s online reputation may be irreparably damaged unless a timely and strategic intervention is deployed.

Thankfully, advanced search engine optimization techniques provide excellent protection against the full damage potential of such negative digital content. By harnessing the power of the existing algorithms used by popular search engines, search engine optimization can effectively suppress and nearly conceal antagonistic content entirely, instead offering viewers favorable content. Therefore the harm that accusatory, defamatory, false, or otherwise undesirable digital content may have upon one’s online reputation is mitigated.